So I had some work in here recently... | Claire de Lune


So I had some work in here recently...

Image from Krysia Kordecki


“Move your audible reality…”

Soundscaping is a project created by Justyna Ataman, Amy Pickles and Krysia Kordecki.

Funded by Artstore, our aim is to create a physical aspect to sound. The audience/participant is in control of eight ‘sound structures’ – each containing part of an eight-track composition and each structure on wheels. The audience/participant are encouraged to respond to the sounds in a more 3 dimensional way – by moving the structures through the space in order to create their own layers within our given soundscapes. You decide how you wish to engage with the work, and with one another. This project has the potential to open up our experiences of sound, and our experiences of interacting with others.

Through this collaboration we hope to build a strong network for communication amongst people from many different backgrounds whilst providing an opportunity for learning and exploration into the curious media of sound, sculpture and space.

Preview: Fri 25th January; 7pm-10pm
Festival runs: Sat 26th January – Fri 1st Feb; 11am-6pm
Smorgasbord Day: Sat 2nd Feb; 11am-9pm

Programme featuring:
Mark Bleakley
Sarah Boothroyd
Frances Davis
Gordon Douglas
Claire Adams Ferguson
Agnes Miroslava Amelia Gryczkowska &
Alexander Heskith Lewis Johnston
Byron Huang-Dean
Ariane Jackson
Laura James & Samuel Rogers
Konus Kalamanda
Olga Kaliszer
Kristian Kamp
Chiara Kickdrum
Sam Kidel
Krysia Kordecki
Darius Kowal
Mark Lyken
Ailsa Margot MacKenzie
Boom Merchant
Max Milne & Adam Hunt
Mark Othmer
Emad Parandian
Hugh Pottinger
Adam J Scarborough
Alex Tobin
Max Weisskopf
Paul Zaba

On Preview night and Smorgasbord day, a sample of all artists’ soundscapes will be showcased. The days in between have been curated to feature 3/4 artists per day. This time allocation will be a great way to let the sounds breathe and transport you deep into their unique sonic worlds.

On Preview night there will be celebration drinks; and for Smorgasbord day, we are offering hot snacks and hot toddies [or something along these lines] to round off this exciting project.
For a full breakdown of the week’s programme, please visit:
If you would like any more information regarding the project, please don’t hesitate to contact us at:
Soundscaping was juried by John Nicol, Ralph MacKenzie and Deniz Uster, and organised by Darren Tesar and Andrew Kuzmak of Artstore.
Please support future student projects by picking up your art supplies from Artstore – without their support Soundscaping might still just be an idea in a sketchbook…