#7 manifesto
7. Just as science strives for poetic elegance, artists might assume a quest for truth. All information is grounds for knowledge, whether empirical or aphoristic, no matter its truth-value. We should embrace the scientific-poetic synthesis and informed naivety of a magical realism. Error breeds sense.
white on white
(he reaches towards her elbow, careful not to lose psychic contact with her glowing hot white hand)
- don't let the floods of tears overpower the skin bed of the plants. here, keep this bone at an angle like that so the salt water runs right off and onto the floor, creating an expanding pool for the other man to drink from. for only another 30 pounds i can heal the floods too, so that instead of salt it becomes wine, and just think of the grand and magnificent parties you could throw if this were the case-
your healing! god bless!
your healing! god bless!
(Excerpt - Hands, 2014)
V formation
existential bears
He was aware that the teacher himself did not believe what he was saying; he felt that by the tone in which the words were uttered. 'But why have they all agreed to speak in the same way about the dullest and most useless things? Why does he repulse me? Why does he not love me?' he asked himself sadly, and could find no answer. (Tolstoy. Anna Karenina, Wordsworth, p519)